DDS (Microsoft DirectDraw Surface)

Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) is a standard format used to store image data in MicrosoftR DirectX.

Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) is used to store surface and texture data. With textures whose side size is equal to degrees of two, it is possible to save mipmap levels.

This format can store information in compressed and uncompressed pixel format. Use it to store compressed data in DXTn format.

Online image converter to DDS can save image data with the following pixel formats:

R8G8B8: (24 bits per pixel, R:8, G:8, B:8)
R5G6B5: (16 bits per pixel, R:5, G:6, B:5)
A8R8G8B8: (32 bits per pixel, A:8, R:8, G:8, B:8)
A8B8G8R8: (32 bits per pixel, A:8, B:8, G:8, R:8)
X8R8G8B8: (32 bits per pixel, A:x, R:8, G:8, B:8)
X8B8G8R8: (32 bits per pixel, A:x, B:8, G:8, R:8)
A1R5G5B5: (16 bits per pixel, A:1, R:5, G:5, B:5)
X1R5G5B5: (16 bits per pixel, A:x, R:5, G:5, B:5)
L8: (8 bits per pixel, luminance:8)
A8L8: (16 bits per pixel, A:8, L:8)
DXT1: (compressed, 1-bit alpha)
DXT2: (compressed, 4-bit premultiplied alpha)
DXT3: (compressed, 4-bit nonpremultiplied alpha)
DXT4: (compressed, interpolated premultiplied alpha)
DXT5: (compressed, interpolated nonpremultiplied alpha)

To use DDS format successfully, you should note these features:

When saving to DDS with mipmap levels option, the size of the image you are saving should be equal to a degree of two (128, 512, 1024 etc.).

If image size doesn't match resize the image to match the needed size.

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